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mono Hd 60 high head range

I have purchased this new Mono hd 60 and am struggling to get it to propel fast enough I have primed it and tried turning it by hand but nothing when using a grip spanner it turns but with difficulty, my question is must it be this way I have not connected it to the motor for fear I might do damage please advise should it be this difficult to turn. thanks

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Control bocs plus 1.1 kw 230v

My borehole's water supply is is very slow. I pump water ones a day. The control box switches itself off after 15 minutes every time as a result of the pump running dry. The pump is at a debth of 80 meters. The water level when the sump is full , is at 14 metres. My question is , is it safe to switch the controlbox on , and leave it on so it can switch on and off by itself , or is it stil safer for me to go on manualy as before ?

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